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We care for your society.


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Benefits of Caretakrs app

For Residents
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Mobile Platform

Caretakrs is a mobile based platform that allows user to find thier daily service need in just one click.

Save Time

Caretakrs allows users to save time as customers can schedule the date and time of their services on our app at their convenience.

Quick and Easy Service

Caretakrs allows users to get services quickly thorough our smart platform which can be quick and affordable.

Review & Rating

Users can check reviews and make informed decisions about the workers. A win-win for all.

Re-Live Experience

If you do not like the service, write us down and we will make it right at no extra cost to you.

Easy Subscription

Users can subscribe to our services with multiple plans like daily subscription, weekend and monthly subscription.

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Service Platform

Caretakrs is a home service platform for subscribing to daily home needs for residents in societies

Optimizing Service

Caretakrs enables the RWA to optimize services being offered to the residents through our platform.

Digital & Mobile

It’s a digital and mobile application platform enabling the societies to track the daily workers working within their society.

Tectical Analysis

Its an online platform that strengthens and promotes healthy service within the society .

RWA Dashboard

Dedicated RWA dashboard to keep a tab on workers through our platform and simultaneously manage bookings for customer who are unable to use our apps

Safe & Reliable

We do the background check of the maids on our platform and ensure the safety of the societies.

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